Secure and Compliant Cloud Delivery Embracing DevOps with GitHub
GOTO Aarhus 2023

Secure and Compliant Cloud Delivery Embracing DevOps with GitHub

Thursday May 25
09:00 –
Systematic - Søren Frichs Vej 39, 8000 Aarhus
5,000.00 DKK

In this Hands-on Lab we will teach you how to use all the great features GitHub has to offer. We will start with an overview how to come from Idea to Code by using GitHub Discussions, Issues, Pages and Wiki. Next we will move the idea's to code and start using the Git features. From here we dive in to the use of Branch Protection Rules, Code Owners, Actions for CI, CD and Deployments to the Azure Cloud. We will also have a look at how GitHub can help you in your Secure Development Lifecycle with Credential scanning, Package Vulnerability Scanning and Code Scanning to expose programming mistakes that might lead to vulnerabilities in the future. After this Hands-on workshop, you know what GitHub has to offer to you and your organization to implement Secure and Compliant DevOps with ease.

You will learn

  • How to use GitHub Actions
  • Secure Deploy to the Azure Cloud using Actions
  • Using Git Hub Advanced Security

Attendee Requirements

  • You must provide your own laptop computer (Windows or Mac) for this hands-on lab.
  • You must be able to access a modern web browser