Hands On Lab: Create Your Own Comic Agilé Strips And Communicate Your Agile Anti-Patterns Through Humor
GOTO Aarhus 2023

Monday May 22
13:10 –

Hands On Lab: Create Your Own Comic Agilé Strips And Communicate Your Agile Anti-Patterns Through Humor

Many organizations can increase the return of their investments in going agile by articulating and removing their agile anti-patterns, as well as becoming aware of the consequences of having them.

Agile antipatterns are sub-par solutions to challenges, and they occur when the intentions of working agile meet the limitations of the organizational reality. When the changes required to go agile are too big or difficult, organizations might take “pragmatic” shortcuts that, on the surface, seem appropriate and sensible, but in the long run can decrease the benefits of the investment - thus, the organization creates agile antipatterns (or “agile debt”).

This workshop teaches the participants to identify, describe, communicate and remove these antipatterns by using the humorous format of Comic Agilé strips.