Managers Aren't THAT Stupid
GOTO Aarhus 2022

Wednesday Jun 15
13:50 –
Trifork Hall

Managers Aren't THAT Stupid


I think we got it all wrong. Agility does not start with teams. If we do that we constantly crash with the environment. We think the managers are stupid while we engineers think have all the answers. There goes the respect down the drain. Soon afterwards we start to talk contracts: ""That is your job."" - ""No, that is your job"". Agility can't grow from that footing, we know that.

In this talk I want to explore with you the radical thought: What happens, if we start agility with management? What happens if not just the managers are there to serve engineers, but if we engineers are also there to serve management and the organization? Are we ready to take on this responsibility? And if we believe you have to experience agility in order to understand it - what opportunities does management have to experience agility in their own work? How can we engineers help? And last but not least there is the claim of self-management - not just a claim of self. That means, we have to be managers, too. What does that mean for us? Which responsibilities do we take?

At the end, I would like to put both worlds together: We know what management can do for us to be agile. But at the end, I hope we also know what we can do for management and the organization the other way round.