Aino Vonge Corry
Speaker at GOTO Aarhus 2024

#GOTOlegend #retrospective #teams

Her new book about retrospective antipatterns has already become a worldwide classic

By using her usually underplayed humor, she will dive into some of our well-known mistakes as team members

Talks at GOTO Aarhus 2024

Aino is a retrospectives master whose newly released book Retrospectives Antipatterns has already become a worldwide classic.

See how small changes for team dynamics can eliminate most productivity issues and apathy.

Aino Corry is a teacher, a technical conference editor and retrospectives facilitator. She holds a masters degree and a ph.d. in computer science, has 12 years of experience with patterns in software development, and 10+ years' experience with facilitation of retrospectives.

For the past 5 years she has been focused on facilitating the agile journey for several companies in Denmark. She also teaches how to teach computer science to teachers, and thus lives up to the name of her company; Metadeveloper. She is always interested in hearing anecdotes about octopuses.

By using her usually underplayed humor, she will dive into some of the well-known mistakes we all make as team members.

Topic focus: Agile software development

Check out some of Aino’s past talks:

Aino’s new book: