Jacob Herbst
Dubex A/S
Speaker at GOTO Aarhus Summit 2023

Talks at GOTO Aarhus Summit 2023

Jacob Herbst is co-founder and Chief Technical Officer (CTO) at Dubex A/S, a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) and Cybersecurity Consulting Service based in Denmark. He follows the evolving threat landscape closely and advises customers about risk management and security strategies. Jacob Herbst is a member of the National Danish Cybersecurity Counsel, Chairman for the Policy Board for Cybersecurity at The Danish ICT Industry Association (IT-Branchen) as well as a board member of The Danish Automation Society (DAU) and is here responsible for the network for industrial cybersecurity. Jacob Herbst is a Member of Faculty at CBS Board Leadership Education and assisting The Board Leadership Society of Denmark (Bestyrelsesforeningen) Center for Cyber Competences, to develop and strengthen the level of strategic cyber competences amongst Danish Board Directors. Finally, Jacob Herbst is used extensively in the media, e.g. by DR, TV2, Børsen, Finans, Computerworld and Version2. Jacob Herbst holds a Master (MSc Eng) from DTU with a specialization in data security and has worked with cyber and information security since 1995.